Hello netizens!

We will be posting the entries of the students in the Digital Citizenship Infographics Making Competition. Watch out for the announcement of winners which will be on February 5, 2021.

This served as the output of the students during the Digital Citizenship Seminar held last year, December 17.

Here's the entry of Grade 10 - Proton

Here's the entry of Grade 10 - Electron

Here's the entry of Grade 10 - Neutron

Here's the entry of Grade 8 - Rosal

Here's the entry of Grade 8 - Kamia

Here's the entry of Grade 8 - Dahlia

 Here's the entry of Grade 7 - Pearl

 Here's the entry by Grade 7 - Emerald

 Here's the entry of Grade 7 - Diamond

 Here's the entry of Grade 7 - Gold